Monday, October 31, 2016

Week 91 Mr. Inspiration

Adorable kids that love talking to "gringos"

So, many things have happened this week I cannot even count. Well, we can first start off with a big surprise from our mission this week. Our mission and the Tegucigalpa mission had the opportunity to hear from GA Kevin R. Duncan and his wife and... Apostle Dallin H. Oaks this week! What a blessing was it to hear from them! They gave amazing talks and my heart just opened up and spirit taught me on how I want to finish my mission. One of the best things Elder Oaks said was, that we need to be Full-time Missionaries! "Work Hard, Strive Hard, and Endure until the very end". He said the he knows that if we put in our heart and our committ to this work, the Lord will bless us in ways we cannot even imagine. However, if we sin and give up....there will be no point to our mission. Repentance is not repeating the same sin over and over. Repentance needs commitment or it means nothing. Sometimes we repent from the mouth, and not from the heart. I know I am not the perfect, I do have my faults and my challenges. I have felt the Saviors love and know what I need to do and how to finish my mission not only with honor, but really changed. I have no intention of going home the same person. Nobody does....and with the Lord by my side anything is possible. The Lord has changed me in so many ways these past 21 months and I know if I continue to be obedient and work super hard these last 3 months I will be truly changed. God has a plan of happiness for each and every one of us and during our journey here are Earth there will be discouragement, loneliness, and frustration along the way. But, I know now what he has in store for me. I just need to do it. We all need to do it. He is the only way to be happy! We just need to trust him. And if we do, he will change us into the people we want to be and who he wants us to become. I bear strong witness to that fact. 

My Zone
Preaching while playing

Along with the inspiration we had this week, we had 2 unexpected baptisms this week. I am so proud of Alejandra and Ashley and the their decision to join the church. They will be eternally blessed. I know Heavenly Father puts people in our path to help nourish us strengthen our spiritual growth. I love Him and am grateful He is watching me and all his children.

Alejandra and Ashley Baptism
Well, this change is almost finishing up. We have about 2 more weeks and it be done. And then I will have exactly 3 months left. It is weird to think that Christmas is coming up so soon. I cannot even believe how time has gone by so fast. Love you all so much and I am grateful for your support and encouragement you have given me these past 21 months. Cannot wait to see you soon! Hasta Luego! 

Les quiero muchisimo,

Elder Jensen

P.S. Happy Halloween!!!

My house. No doors!

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